A political party built on technology, not ideology.

A free and equal nominating contest.

America’s Main Street Party (The Party) is a technology organization operating as a political committee. This committee is the pump in Wilson’s Fountain, the source springing popular sovereignty.

Our mission is to eliminate financial influence in Congressional elections by developing and publishing a free and equal nominating contest.

The objective? To broaden public engagement and steer elections away from extremism, back to where most voters live. Ultimately, to disrupt the partisan gridlock we’re seeing in Congress today.

Elevating the voice of the people.

America’s Main Street Party will offer candidates the chance to participate in an open online competition conducted on a level playing field, with direct access to their constituents. Achieving mass voter engagement dampens the influence of extreme partisans and motivates candidates to represent the people of their district or state more broadly.

First, let’s clean up the House.

The Party will initially focus on uncompetitive districts in the United States House of Representatives where incumbents often run barely opposed, always launching an equal number of campaigns in blue and red districts.

The goal is to disrupt the rule by majority party, elect a broadly supported Speaker of the House and restore a committee-driven legislative process. The intent is to expand the number of campaigns in each election cycle and eventually include nominating contests for the United States Senate and Presidency.

A commitment to transform campaign financing.

America’s Main Street Party was founded with the idea of fundamentally changing the relationship between politicians and money. To achieve this goal, Party candidates and elected representatives will have no access to campaign funds, be prohibited from making extraordinary contributions to their own campaign and required to adhere to the contest rules.

Reforming elections is urgent and doable, but we need you to join us.

Latest News

MAY 24, 2024

Here’s the deal. I believe our election system can be transformed without changing any laws. And if I prove a paradigm shift is all that separates politicians from campaign money, would you support my cause? Given the state of government, you’ve got to admit…

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